Membership Application Form

The Royal Life Saving Society (RLSS) is public benevolent institution with His Majesty The King as Commonwealth Patron. The RLSS has a leadership role in drowning prevention in 27 Commonwealth Countries; the Queensland Branch was established in 1905 and is the oldest life saving society in Queensland. Our motto ‘Whomsoever you see in distress, recognise in them a fellow human being‘. By joining us, you are signifying that you desire to be part of a society with royal patronage and for the charitable purpose of drowning prevention.

We respect your privacy. The information collected on this form and/or provided to us will be used for the purpose of dealing with you as a member of the society. Your information may be disclosed to relevant staff, officers, members, suppliers, contractors, affiliates and/or training partners for membership administration, statistical, regulatory, and other purposes. The Society may also use third parties to administer and deliver services and communications to members such as newsletters, online surveys and member benefits. Some third-party suppliers or their products and services are located overseas. Please contact us if you do not agree with our privacy policy as we may not be able to process your membership application. You will be able to access this information by contacting our Privacy Officer.

By completing this form, you confirm that you wish to apply for a membership with Royal Life Saving Society Queensland Inc for the 2024/25 financial year (1 July 2024 to 30 June 2025). You acknowledge that if you are accepted as a member of the Society (all membership require approval of the board), your membership will be governed by the code of conduct and rules governing your conduct as a member of the Society, which are available on the Society Website. I confirm that I understand my obligation to advise the Society of any change in my details.

If you prefer, you can also join RLSSQ by completing a paper membership form.

Completing this form is your authority to link you Blue Card / Exemption Card to us.