Trainers Update June 2023

Trainer and Assessor Network (TAN) Early Bird Finishing Soon

Just a reminder that the early bird discount for the next workshops is finishing on 30 June 2023. Details of the TAN are:

Where: Gold Coast Aquatic Centre, Marine Parade, Southport Qld 4215
When:  Saturday 12 & Sunday 13 August 2023
Time: Both days are 8am – 3pm

Early Bird (until 30 June 2023)
Day 1 $60 & Day 2 $80 (you can only attend day 2 if you attend day 1)

General Pricing (after 30 June 2023)
Day 1 $75 & Day 2 $120 (you can only attend day 2 if you attend day 1)

How to enrol:

Day 1 – Go to the life saving training website, professional development page (click here), the Day 1 course is listed towards the end of the list (you can also search for course ID 2013474)

Day 2 – Ensure you have enrolled into Day 1 first, then go to the life saving training professional development page (click here), this should be the last course listed (you can also search for course ID 2017257)

What’s Happening:
Day 1 – We will cover a range of topics including; ASQA RTO requirements and changes, relevant information for trainers regarding maintaining currency and skills. RLSSQ and aquatic industry updates.

Day 2 – We will be running a Pool Lifeguard Blended course with the updated units for all trainers wanting to continue training Pool Lifeguard.

Membership Renewal

We would like to remind trainers that it is time to renew you membership. Please can you:

  • Download a Membership Renewal Form, complete and return with payment
  • Complete a Professional Development Log (see below) 

Professional Development

As you may recall from trainers update 2023-04, we undertook a review of our RTO operations and determined we needed additional evidence in our trainers Professional Development. At this link you will find an example of a Professional Development Log (PD) including a reflection/journal entry for an article. Workplace activities require evidence such as a letter from an employer with statement of duties or activities and as much supporting evidence as possible. Please provide certificates from approved seminar / conferences / workshops.

All trainers will need to supply a Professional Development Log by 30 June 2023. We are currently creating a Trainers Hub to help trainers with PD opportunities and accessing training resources.

Please find all forms for submitting PD Evidence:

Professional Development Suggestions

Reminder that professional development for VET & industry is required annually. Below are links to assist trainers with Professional Development opportunities:

World Conference on Drowning Prevention

The International Life Saving (ILS) federation has announced that the World Conference on Drowning Prevention (WCDP) 2023 will be held in Perth, Western Australia (WA). Royal Life Saving Society – Australia (RLSS) is excited to co-host the event with Surf Life Saving Australia (SLSA), and our state members RLSS WA and SLS WA. The conference will be held at Perth Conference and Exhibition Centre from 4-7 December 2023. RLSS and SLSA are planning a week-long experience including pre and post workshops, field trips and masterclasses beginning on 2 December and culminating on 8 December 2023. So, put this in your diary, and start planning. 

For more information and to register follow this link.

World Drowning Prevention Day 2023

On 25 July, people across the world will mark the third World Drowning Prevention Day. In April 2021, the United Nations adopted the historic first Resolution on Global Drowning Prevention, recognising the scale of the problem and calling for coordinated action to prevent drowning. We are asking organisations across Queensland to help promote World Drowning Prevention Day and GO BLUE. 

To register and receive our free Digital Awareness Pack and Guide head to this link. 

Be sure to tag #DrowningPrevention#WorldDrowningPreventionDay and 
@RoyalLifeSavingSocietyQueensland and 
@RoyalLifeSaving in your social media posts.

Australian Resuscitation Council (ARC)

Whilst the ARC website remains the same, it has moved it’s guidelines to an online version with a new website (, no longer offering a pdf version. You can view the new website at this link:  Please be aware that if you give out printed ‘pdf’ copies, they might not be current.

The most recent ARC updates were (note these may open the old pdf versions):

New 2023 versions of ASCIA Action Plans for Anaphylaxis

ASCIA has developed new 2023 versions of ASCIA Action Plans for Anaphylaxis, to improve ease of use, which are now available. This is the first major formatting change in 20 years, since ASCIA Action Plans for Anaphylaxis were first introduced in 2003. The plans can be accessed on the ASCIA website:

The format of the following plans have also been updated to be consistent with the 2023 version of the red ASCIA Action Plan for Anaphylaxis:

  • ASCIA Action Plan for Allergic Reactions (green)
  • ASCIA Action Plan for Drug (Medication) Allergy (dark green)
  • ASCIA First Aid Plan for Anaphylaxis (orange)
  • ASCIA Travel Plan for People at Risk of Anaphylaxis (red) for use with the red ASCIA Action Plan for Anaphylaxis

A Summary of updates is available here.

ASCIA anaphylaxis e-training courses are being updated to include the 2023 versions of the plans, and the courses are expected to be ready in July 2023. Previous versions of ASCIA  Action Plans (2021 and 2022 versions) can still be used in 2023, as we expect that it will take around six months to phase in the use of the new 2023 plans. For more information head to ASCIA website.

Our most recent workbooks (for First Aid in an Education & care Setting) include the 2023 versions.

Trainer Recognition

We are thrilled to announce a new initiative we would like to bring in aimed at recognising the outstanding contributions and achievements of our exceptional trainers. At Royal Life Saving we deeply value the dedication and expertise our trainers bring to each educational program.

Starting next month, we would like to highlight the accomplishments of our trainers, which might be things such as successfully guiding a large number of participants through a Course, or celebrating trainers milestones such as delivering a number of  Courses. Furthermore, we extend our heartfelt gratitude for their years of dedicated service to RLSSQ.

Join us in congratulating and appreciating our trainers for their invaluable contributions to our mission of fostering growth and knowledge within our community. Stay tuned for inspiring stories and updates on their remarkable journey in upcoming newsletters.